Hahaha it was fun doing it! I want my "Jane" in there so bad. I don't know why it isn't there. *sigh* the slightest things. (edited : Yay! I just saw the "Jane"! weeeeee.) But, I like doing gifs..
I just did it btw! While watching master chef. Anyway, Laneway Festival yesterday was reallllyyyyyy fantastic. If I were English I would say It was "bloody" awesome/wicked "bloody hell" it was good. But I don't say bloody/blood hell much. As in say it out loud or type it. I don't say it often. I don't know how to put it. hehe. But, AHHH it was good. The music and all. Oh! I went there with Halili in the morning and then met up with Mercy and Melanie and then Sam. Good company! :)
The bands that were playing were really good. AHH IT WAS JUST GOOD EVERYTHING WAS GOOD. I still feel happy till now. And this morning I woke up with this nice warm hearted feeling. Wee! And I don't get how they are able to come out with such goooood music and stuff. It's unfair how talented they are. Really good. Ahh! I wish that I could post pictures up right now.. But I can't because I have to get ready for KL tomorrow. And I'm planning on posting the pictures taken by my film camera :) We'll see. Because I wouldn't want to post a bunch of pictures not taken by me! Hahaha. Maybe I'll post some taken by the DSLR! but tomorrow.
Oh and I'm having a massive back ache. fpoewkfwekfwnelfnwlkfnwelkfnwe. Scoliosis is horrible. And this guy on Master Chef named a Star Fruit "Passion Fruit" very smart la la la la.
Okay here is a picture taken by Halili. I didn't wear what I wore for my Laneway post btw. Haha. Here is my top.. I just decided to post this random picture. (it was even muddy before any bands played haijojojojojojo) It was all wet and muddy there.
(I edited it la.. though there isn't much difference, eheherher)
And at the end of the day my whole back was painted/covered with mud. The whole back was brown! Literally. I was sitting down and someone kicked mud all over it. O' well..
Beach House was great. I love Beach House. So calm and nice :)
And I think everyone should watch the movie Flipped. Because it made me want to have a sweetheart when I was 13. BUT I'M 15+ NOW SO WHAT IS THE POINT. Teeeeeheeeeeeheeeeee. And I knew from the lines that it was a book. And Flipped, I am going to hunt you down >:)
:') byebye baby.
(Edited) It's 3.56 am now, and I should be asleep. And I knew that I spelled Peach Yog(h)urt the American way the first time, and didn't bother to change it. But now- I thought that I needed a new picture header [The one now is temporary. But I like it because my page looks clean!] so yeah, I decided to change it to Peach Yoghurt because that is the way we spell it.. hahahaha.