>>Zoé Kan<<
I am 16 years old, I enjoy taking pictures, writing poems, and doing things.
This blog is for me to post the pictures I take and the things I make.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

I miss..

Here are three pictures taken at Italy. I miss Italy! I realized that every different country I go to has a distinctive smell.
I really want to travel around the world because, I'm already on earth so why not visit the whole of it! Can't wait till I am able to :D


And this is a building at London!

I shall go watch tv and then pack to KL for tomorrow :D

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Ukelele and the Diamond Ring and the Wine Glass.

Hello everybody! It has been a long time since I've blogged here or posted any pictures here. Well, here are some pictures I took in the car and my sister's birthday dinner. It was during my sister's birthday. She decided to cook for us on her birthday (for lunch) and for dinner we had to leave to KL so we had dinner at KL :)

I also have pictures from my grandpa's birthday which I shall upload soon. My eyes nearly popped out from editing! But it was fun :D I am inlove with bokeh's they are so pretty and they look like beautiful soft crystal balls there are there. Like a beautiful accident! Anyway here are the pictures!

My sister's ukelele. She played it during our whole ride from JB-KL.
Hawaiian gal~
Grandma's ring. I took it without her looking and I showed it to her then she posed for me to take another one. I shall show it to you guys the next time I update :D
Everyone loved this wine which my sister brought back from Italy but I am not a wine experto. And I didn't finish it because it is not good to drive while you are drunk and by drive i meant driving u crazee bb.

Sorry for the lack of pictures though. My eyes just got really tired from editing them! My brother is back by the way and I cannot wait for the 5 of us to be reunited lololol. Anyway christmas is soon which means school is gonna reopen which means le sadness. I DIDN'T EVEN FEEL ANY HOLIDAY IMPACT IN ME AND I ONLY PAINTED MY NAILS ONCE. I really don't get it. But I guess it's because I've been doing alot of things during the holidays that's why it seems like it's going so fast? I don't know.

Anyway I really don't want school to reopen I like the feeling of being a potato when there's nothing to do and being an explorer and a traveller when there are things to do. I shall now use my few days of holidays TO DA FULLEST and live with no regrets! AMEN.

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Hello everybody! So these are overdue-d pictures which I took from some food testing place thingy which my aunt brought us. I guess I enjoy taking pictures of food because they are always in a form of art. Don't you think so? Like however they are placed, they still look good!

Anyway, the holidays are here and I've been going out, sleeping and eating. I'm dying to do something creative but I am lacking inspiration which frustrates me. But I guess inspiration will come soon. I know it comes naturally. I was just pattern-drawing yesterday :)

Anyway, I hope my holidays would be filled of creative things! and fun things! I need to get creative soon. wolololo. I actually have tonnes of overdue pictures :P

This pictures has a funny story cz I asked the girl whether I could take picture OF THE BREAD, but she thought I wanted to take a picture OF HER AND THE BREAD so yeah :D
I always see him on t-shirts. Some argentinian guy!
Trying to take an expensive-looking picturelolol.
Okay, although it was supposed to be some food-testing taste but it wasn't quite one because there weren't nice food to test so yeah, not a lot of food pictures.

Anyway! Stay tuned for more because I've got alotltotlallott more pictures to be posted :D
happy holidays!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Le Cookies!

It has been such a long time since I've been here. This is very emotional, blogging here as it has been a long time. Chey no la, I don't really feel anything but I'm happy that I have loads of pictures to post :D I don't know how long I took editing this batch of pictures, probably an hour? Not bad not bad! Anyway, my finals are over and I'm not really free just yet but I'm free, but post-exam seems to be really fun. But I'm kinda bumped out that I can't go out for a movie with my friends tomorrow though, because I have no transport. But I shouldn't trouble my parents anyway so it's okie :)

So these are the cookies my sister baked, well I sort of helped :p they are really really yummy and good and sort of moist inside and crispy outside I am a chef. I cooked dinner today though, I'll post pictures soon! So here are pictures of ze very yummy cookiez.

To be honest, I am very proud of this batch of pictures :D hehe


Okay it is 10.30 pm and I havent showered and I have to go to school tomorrow. I shall go fashionably late. Ciao!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Night.

I've not written poems in ages, here is one! :D

The night's silence is singing through my ears.
The calm darkness wrapped up with tricks to fear-
Thoughts, sweat, and nerves starts to shiver.
Let the dark night speak to me, let our conversation get deeper.

As I understand the darkness of the night and the silence,
Everything seems brighter, my thoughts, they are louder.
The vision in my mind, it has become clearer.
Closed eyes, and a beating heart, everything is lighter.

The night is beautiful, the innocence peak through,
They are all left asleep, calm, at peace.
Do they think when they sleep?
Through my eyes, I see a virgin soul, their presence; kept and fold.

And when the morning comes, when the light shines.
Darkness breaks away, painted with time.
You are pushed back roughly into a realm.
And you feel over-whelmed.

This is nothing sad, I like mornings and days and stuff. What I'm trying to imply is that everyone seems innocent when a person sleeps. I don't know how to put it, it's hard to explain. But everyone just seems like an innocent individual when they sleep because in their sleep they don't think. If you get what I mean. And also, the night is quiet and calm and it's nice to be in sometimes :) Nothing negative :D goodnight!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Hello here are some random artworks of mine. I hope you like them! :D

Teen Angst

I did them while I was bored and stuff and here is a post about my day! :) CLICK. Okay have a good day byebye!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Elvis! Flowers! Italy!

Hello! More pictures after a super duper de duper long time! I edited my pictures differently this time. And I got my inspiration from http://ppppapertissue.blogspot.com! the vignettes and all :) but I'm gonna try to edit my pictures differently for the next batch for fun, maybe something brighter! :D they seem kinda dark here but I sort of like it somehow.

Look at his nose. He is a warrior and a hunter who digs stones with his nose. But I love him ^^
Best Jam in the world.
The roses mummy planted!


So, I just got back from KL and I went for this Charity dinner with my dad and we saw PUA OR PHUA IDK CHOO KANG OR CHU KANG IDK and he's so funny love it love it. And my grandpa is funny love it love it and my grandma too love it love everything and back to school tomorrow. TIME TO SEE THE FRIENDS :D Oh and I really miss fishing goodbye! I have so many pictures of italy left I should really upload them. And I've got pictures of the World's Smallest Durian ever too lol. GOODBYE SAYONARA CIAO! Oh and I uploaded this pictures through flickr, I've got a new account! Because I don't wanna pay to upgrade my old one heh.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Silly Sunday!


Happy Sunday everybody! I'm so full from dinner but I had loads and loads of vegetable for dinner which is a positive plus awesome superiamzszm. I dislike my blog layout. I honestly do not know how to make it look better. I've tried.. but I'm never satisfied! I wanna keep to the blogger layout stuff though and not my own/blogskin's html code but it will never look as nice as the ones I use for blogskins for my other blog : yourstupidityastoundsme.blogspot.com I like my blogskin there. FURTHAMORA, I made a mistake doing too many blogs. I should stick to one. And I think I might change this bloglink to keozan but it'll be sad. I'm like a very what you call it.. I don't know what you call it but I like to keep things the way they originally are and by things I mean blog links hahahaha. I'm still contemplating with myself whether to or to not change it lalalala.

omg what was I talking about yuck!!
Oh and for my blogskin, I'll keep the flies here for awhile. So my blog won't feel lonely with loads and loads of company! wooo! fly party! Anyway it's durian season and I don't know why but this year I had cravings for durian so my dad bought durian and my neighbour gave durian and it was a durian party~~~ I had dinner for durian one night! I meant to say durian for dinner! And my nails are yellow. I have durian nails squsiuqdsuih. I'm gonna theme up some pictures to my blog layout. Like really striking colors and stuff. LET'S FIND FOR RANDOM PICTURES TO EDIT SHALL VEEE.



Ahh I fell inlove with the distortion that the fish-eye lenses make again! I'm going to singapore tomorrow with my parents and mindy and then we will go our separate ways so I think I might take some fish-eye looking pictures for tmrw! w00h00! I normally hate bringing my dslr around (yah true story cz it's big) but heck care! I'm gonna bring it tmrw :) #note : i didn't ask for a dslr or anything my brother just sort of somehow gave his to me!

I should go study/do history now. I'm gonna finish my moral folio with jasmine tmrw morning HOPEFULLY. And then yah :3 okay I should go shower and do my history now and read some chemistry! Boobies!