>>Zoé Kan<<
I am 16 years old, I enjoy taking pictures, writing poems, and doing things.
This blog is for me to post the pictures I take and the things I make.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Ukelele and the Diamond Ring and the Wine Glass.

Hello everybody! It has been a long time since I've blogged here or posted any pictures here. Well, here are some pictures I took in the car and my sister's birthday dinner. It was during my sister's birthday. She decided to cook for us on her birthday (for lunch) and for dinner we had to leave to KL so we had dinner at KL :)

I also have pictures from my grandpa's birthday which I shall upload soon. My eyes nearly popped out from editing! But it was fun :D I am inlove with bokeh's they are so pretty and they look like beautiful soft crystal balls there are there. Like a beautiful accident! Anyway here are the pictures!

My sister's ukelele. She played it during our whole ride from JB-KL.
Hawaiian gal~
Grandma's ring. I took it without her looking and I showed it to her then she posed for me to take another one. I shall show it to you guys the next time I update :D
Everyone loved this wine which my sister brought back from Italy but I am not a wine experto. And I didn't finish it because it is not good to drive while you are drunk and by drive i meant driving u crazee bb.

Sorry for the lack of pictures though. My eyes just got really tired from editing them! My brother is back by the way and I cannot wait for the 5 of us to be reunited lololol. Anyway christmas is soon which means school is gonna reopen which means le sadness. I DIDN'T EVEN FEEL ANY HOLIDAY IMPACT IN ME AND I ONLY PAINTED MY NAILS ONCE. I really don't get it. But I guess it's because I've been doing alot of things during the holidays that's why it seems like it's going so fast? I don't know.

Anyway I really don't want school to reopen I like the feeling of being a potato when there's nothing to do and being an explorer and a traveller when there are things to do. I shall now use my few days of holidays TO DA FULLEST and live with no regrets! AMEN.

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