Happy Sunday everybody! I'm so full from dinner but I had loads and loads of vegetable for dinner which is a positive plus awesome superiamzszm. I dislike my blog layout. I honestly do not know how to make it look better. I've tried.. but I'm never satisfied! I wanna keep to the blogger layout stuff though and not my own/blogskin's html code but it will never look as nice as the ones I use for blogskins for my other blog : yourstupidityastoundsme.blogspot.com I like my blogskin there. FURTHAMORA, I made a mistake doing too many blogs. I should stick to one. And I think I might change this bloglink to keozan but it'll be sad. I'm like a very what you call it.. I don't know what you call it but I like to keep things the way they originally are and by things I mean blog links hahahaha. I'm still contemplating with myself whether to or to not change it lalalala.
omg what was I talking about yuck!!
Oh and for my blogskin, I'll keep the flies here for awhile. So my blog won't feel lonely with loads and loads of company! wooo! fly party! Anyway it's durian season and I don't know why but this year I had cravings for durian so my dad bought durian and my neighbour gave durian and it was a durian party~~~ I had dinner for durian one night! I meant to say durian for dinner! And my nails are yellow. I have durian nails squsiuqdsuih. I'm gonna theme up some pictures to my blog layout. Like really striking colors and stuff. LET'S FIND FOR RANDOM PICTURES TO EDIT SHALL VEEE.
Ahh I fell inlove with the distortion that the fish-eye lenses make again! I'm going to singapore tomorrow with my parents and mindy and then we will go our separate ways so I think I might take some fish-eye looking pictures for tmrw! w00h00! I normally hate bringing my dslr around (yah true story cz it's big) but heck care! I'm gonna bring it tmrw :) #note : i didn't ask for a dslr or anything my brother just sort of somehow gave his to me!
I should go study/do history now. I'm gonna finish my moral folio with jasmine tmrw morning HOPEFULLY. And then yah :3 okay I should go shower and do my history now and read some chemistry! Boobies!
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