Hello everybody! So these are overdue-d pictures which I took from some food testing place thingy which my aunt brought us. I guess I enjoy taking pictures of food because they are always in a form of art. Don't you think so? Like however they are placed, they still look good!
Anyway, the holidays are here and I've been going out, sleeping and eating. I'm dying to do something creative but I am lacking inspiration which frustrates me. But I guess inspiration will come soon. I know it comes naturally. I was just pattern-drawing yesterday :)
Anyway, I hope my holidays would be filled of creative things! and fun things! I need to get creative soon. wolololo. I actually have tonnes of overdue pictures :P
This pictures has a funny story cz I asked the girl whether I could take picture OF THE BREAD, but she thought I wanted to take a picture OF HER AND THE BREAD so yeah :D
I always see him on t-shirts. Some argentinian guy!
Trying to take an expensive-looking picturelolol.
Okay, although it was supposed to be some food-testing taste but it wasn't quite one because there weren't nice food to test so yeah, not a lot of food pictures.
Anyway! Stay tuned for more because I've got alotltotlallott more pictures to be posted :D
happy holidays!